

employee satisfaction/retention

A Culture of Learning Keeps Your Agency On the Forward Edge

Second Wind

Looking back over the past decade, the advance of technology and changing face of media has been astounding. And as marketers, the speed at which we as an industry have ...

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Healthy Turnover Rate

What is a “Healthy” Employee Turnover Rate?

Second Wind

With the unemployment rate at 3.7 percent, and the labor force participation rate at 62.9 percent, businesses are finding it challenging to recruit good employees. Competition for the ...

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Seven Signs Your Agency Culture Is Thriving

Second Wind

Culture is a much touted factor in building a great creative ad agency or marketing firm. Agency principals devote much time and effort into figuring out what their culture is ...

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New Employee Training and Orientation Builds Agency Success

Second Wind

Recruiting, interviewing and hiring is a big investment for your agency. Doesn’t it justify a good orientation process to ensure that each new hire succeeds? Even if (especially if ...

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Instead of Engagement, Focus on Trust, Purpose and Heart

Deborah Budd

Engagement.It’s a word we throw around like it actually means something. Too often, we use it to describe how we like to imagine consumers interacting with our advertising ...

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Be a Mentor, Not a Boss: Welcoming Younger Workers to the Agency

Deborah Budd

Countless articles discuss coaching and mentoring, work attitudes and differing expectations related to Millennials versus older workers. This aspect of the hiring process is often given short shrift in a ...

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Building an Organization That Helps Employees Stay—and Lead

Deborah Budd

Unhappy employees either quit and leave, or they quit and stay. Disengaged employees who stay may be more damaging for your business than lost employees, and certainly more expensive over ...

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