


Client P&L vs. Billable Time Reporting; What is More Important and Why?

Vince Dong

Time. Time. Time. As I gaze out the window in my office, I look back on the time-consuming events over the last 12 months. Our fourth and fifth grandchildren were ...

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It's An Easy Business

Second Wind

Agency principals ask us all the time how to measure the financial success of their agencies. When we respond, many seem disappointed. "That's it?" they ask. "Those are all ...

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Revenue Recognition

Vince Dong

What’s all this fuss about revenue recognition with agencies?  Isn’t revenue recognized when we just bill the client???

What do accountants know about financial reporting for advertising and ...

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Navigating Price Increases: Advice for Smaller Agencies

Laurie Mikes

In the dynamic world of advertising, change is constant. As a small advertising agency, evolving with the times is essential to staying competitive and delivering competitive services. One aspect that ...

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How to Bill More AE Time

Second Wind

A Stake Is at the Heart of It

Second Wind

One of the best things we’ve seen at smaller agencies in recent years is the advent of stakeholder programs. These programs engage key agency employees who are not currently ...

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When Is A 30% Markup Not Really 30%?

Second Wind

A Lesson in AGI Math

For agencies needing a little refresher, Agency Gross Income is the amount left after subtracting the costs of media, printing, outside digital services, photography, etc ...

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The Peak of the Frenzy

Tony Mikes

There is a time in every business cycle where the cycle reaches its peak. If you listen to market forecasters and some economists, we may be at the very tip-top ...

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Blended Rates Make Sense

Second Wind

If you are publishing prices for hourly rates, or telling clients your rates for particular people or services, you may not be making as much money as you could. And ...

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Achieving Balance in Risk as Well as Client Mix

Deborah Budd

We write elsewhere about having a balanced mix of client accounts—a few big clients, some middle-sized accounts, and several smaller bread-and-butter accounts that provide steady work if not huge ...

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When Down Is Up

When Down Is Up: Making the Most of Downtime

Second Wind

We heard an interesting fact from an agency principal not long ago. He said that his ad agency had been losing about $100,000 per year in billable hours through ...

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Watch Yourself…Hard Times Are Just Around The Corner

Second Wind

Many smaller agencies and design studios tend to forget hard times when clients are active and billings are flowing. However, most long-term advertising agency people (and other business people) never ...

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